Features of El Bozo Premio

No payment needed

Everything on this site is free. But that doesn't mean we have ads on our site either, because we know how much people hate ads!

No tracking

We care about our users' safety. We encrypt your passwords safely and make sure that you are safe. We also will never track you.


We have many games on this site for you to enjoy. They are made by us, or other people (and they are credited below the game, so you can find more of their content!)


You can create an El Bozo Premio account to be able to have access to more features like our new game releases, chat, and more.

Games and Tools


MineKhan is a very fun game that contains survival and creative (in this version). It is just like Minecraft and there are multiplayer options as well as singleplayer options.


This is a free hosting service created by TomMustBe12, the creator of this website.

Logo Creator

This logo creator has many features including text, background image, background color, text font, text color, and more. It is useful for quick logos.


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